F.E.E.L® | Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning was created to develop human potential. We can use this modality to increase awareness of the events of our past, and to experience the present. These animals have the ability to lead us back into our bodies and truly hold space to allow us to feel and sense what is needed at the time. In my experience this is when shifts in our awareness and consciousness can happen. It’s profound, powerful, deep and gentle.
Our retreats are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment for healing and growth. We have an understanding that past events and traumas have individual needs. Our experienced facilitators are here to witness and navigate your healing journey. To create a workshop I sit quietly with the horses and ask what is needed for this time and or if you are wanting a specific retreat we can create that too!

Did you know?
Horses hearts are five times larger than a human heart and beat three times slower. This is what gives us that calming, some would say powerful effect on our hearts and souls. Their electromagnetic field is 100X’s stronger than the brain and reaches 5X’s farther than the human heart field! Which is why we don’t actually have to touch a horse or be really close to have an effect.
We understand that each horse is unique and individual, as we are respectively. The horses are the teachers or co-therapists in this field of equine. Recognizing the synergistic connection between humans and horses allows for authentic expression and a rise of consciousness. We believe that it is essential to connect through our hearts rather than our minds in order to connect to our authentic selves. Creating sacred space is making an energetic boundary around ourselves and the space we will be working in. It is an invitation we start with to bring a safe and desirable place to connect to the authentic self. In this place we can heal. It is my personal belief, though I cannot prove it to be true beyond what I have witnessed within myself, that the more we know ourselves the more possibilities that are available to us in this lifetime.
“Very unique and interesting material was explored in this workshop.
Lots to take away and reflect upon!
learning to listen to the horses’ message has a lot to offer”
—Jocelyn Montegue